sabato 7 aprile 2012


When I've read the first statement of APMD "Members of Hope Conspiracy, Converge, Bloodhorse..." the first thing I said was:
this is gonna be legen(wait for it)dary! so it is. Personally I consider All Pigs Must Die as one of the best bands around. After a 5 tracks 12" ep out for Nonbeliever records in late 2011 it was out their first LP for Southern Lord; in my opinion a top 5 records of the last year.
Let's have a talk with Kevin, singer of the band.

How and when started all pigs must die project?

Pigs was formed while the four of us were drinking together at a christmas party. it really was as simple as that. We started writing and liked what we were doing enough to self finance and release our first record. We originally had no aspirations to ever play live, but I'm happy we changed our minds about that because we really enjoy doing it.

Listening to your records I've found a lot of "old" influences; first bands that came into my mind are Discharge, Slayer, 

Ripcord and a lot of swedish d-bet...Which are the bands that most have influenced apmd music and sounds?

We draw influence and inspiration from a lot of different places. Some of the bands and styles you mentioned are influential but we also love stuff that is not metal, punk or hard-core. Anything that connects with our collective interests or ideas be it music, movies, books or artwork of any kind. It all plays a part in how we approach writing for this band.

How should you "define" the music you play?

The last 15 minutes of Rambo IV.

I've read your lyrics; the first differences that I've found between APMD lyrics and Hope conspiracy lyrics (I'm writing this because you are the writer of both) is maybe about the fact that hopecon lyrics are more personal, while apmd are more about negativity of humankind. is it correct and How start the "process" of writing different lyrics for 2 different bands, trying to not write the same subjects?

Lyrically both bands are dark but APMD is much less personal than the Hope Conspiracy. This band is not about politics or opinions. It is an expression and reflection of mans true nature and the horrible things we are capable of doing whatever the reason or justification might be.

What's your position about veganism and animal liberation?

We have no position.

Who are the really pigs that must die in this modern society?

As I said before the music and lyrics are an expression of mans true nature. That is why we chose the name. It is the title track off a Death In June record that references the Manson Family and the Tate - LaBianca murders. I suppose if you are looking for a more tangible answer of who or what the "pig" is I personally would say the takers and thieves out there in the world. I would also say the powerful few that enslave, exploit and manipulate the human herd through their institutions and laws. Those institutions and laws are built upon a foundation of antiquated and modern lies. Its all just an illusion. Ultimately in the end its nature that writes the true laws and balances the books not some man in the sky.

What do you expect and what we should expect from apmd? new records? a full time commitment? world tour?

This band will never be a full time commitment for us but we are in the process of writing new material. We hope to record the new lp in December. Hopefully if everything goes right it will be out this time next year. We have no plans for a world tour but if our personal schedules allow it we will get out there and play shows where ever and when ever possible.

What do you do out of the band? family? children?

At the moment no one has any children but a few of us are engaged or married. Everyone in the band either works a full time job or has some other full time commitment. Ben as you know is in Converge and on tour right now. I manage a screen printing company. Adam is a graphic designer and Matt is usually out doors with a chainsaw cutting down trees.

What are the last books you have read? and movies?

I love classic and underground rock from the late 60's and early 70's so the last book I read was Ian Hunter's "Diary of a Rock & Roll Star". He was in Mott The Hoople which is one of my favorite bands of that era. As for movies I recently experienced Pier Paolo Pasolini's "Salo". What an amazing trip that was. Totally uncompromising and out of control. I highly recommend it.

This is a really hard question: what is the record that changed your life?

Honestly I would have to go all the way back to the 80's when I heard Iron Maiden's "Number of the Beast" for the first time. That was the gateway to everything "heavy" I have discovered since then. From there I found Slayer, Anthrax, Metallica and thrash metal which then lead to the discovery of the Misfits, Black Flag, Minor Threat and hard-core. Everything branched off from there.

Do you wanna add any other thing? thank you a lot.

Thanks for the interview and thanks to everyone that has supported the band.


you can get in touch with the band visiting:

martedì 17 gennaio 2012


Anchor is a vegan sxe band coming from Sweden / Norway. After 2 great 7" they have released their first LP "the quiet dance" in 2008. I had the chance to see them live, playing an angry moshin'hardcore. What I really like of Anchor are of course the lyrics and the message that they share with their music. Let's have  a (very) little talk with them after that their last LP "Recovery" came out.

Could you please introduce your band?

Anchor is five indivuals spread all across Sweden/Norway. We have;  been a band since early 2007, released a whole bunch of records and toured a bit. All of the members of the band are vegan and straight edge.

I'm listening right now your new LP "Recovery"; I really like it a lot for both music and lyrics. Are you satisfied with this work? What do you expect from it?

Thanks alot for the kind words. Glad you dig it! I actually haven't listened to the record in quite a while so I don't know exactly how I feel about it. I enjoy playing the songs live though. Should be a good sign, I guess! I'm hoping this record will bring us everywhere on this planet.

I think that everyone looks at Sweden or nordic countries as a kind of "paradise". But how is the political and social situation there?

We hear that alot. It's been changing alot over the years though, especially the last couple of years. I realize when I say it's been changing what I mean is we're moving more towards where most western countries already are at. It's depressing.

why have you called one of your last songs Hemingway?

Because Ernest Hemingway ended up committing suicide during a writer's block. That song is about being emo so we figured it was a cool title.

What do you think about religion in hardcore? Do you think it'll be something reconciliable with the idea of revolution and refusal of the original concept?

Religion is about power and control. Two things of which there is enough in this world and hardcore needs to be an alternative to all of that.

do you usually watch tv? what do you think about all the media in general and about the message that they are trying to transmit?

I rarely watch tv. It's all about bullshit I can do without, like American idol and So you think you can dance. I've got better things to do.

During these days here in Italy there are some riots and massive demonstrations against the TAV  (high speed /rail network capacity) line Turin-Lyon; what's your idea about this new infrastructures and about the idea of progress in general? useless or usefull?

I feel like I'd need to know way more about the entire project to have an opinion.

what are the most important differences between "The quiet dance" and "Recovery"?

More than anything I'd say the main dirrerence is three years of touring. Another important factor is that I played drums on our previous recordings, I'm now one of the guitarists. In addition to that we also got Ulf into the band. I've always admired his riffmaking so I'm absolutely stoked to have him be my wingman.

Are you happy with your lastest productions and labels?

Yes. It's a privilege to have people you admire like your band enough to wanna invest time  and money into promoting it. We're thankful!

top 5 records of your life? (hard question)!

Very tough question! Top 50 would've been ok. Anyway...
Refused - Songs to fan the flames of discontent, Embrace - S/T, Earth crisis - Gomorrah's season ends, Texas is the reason - Do you know who you are and Snapcase - Progression through unlearning are some of my all-time favourite records.

straight edge isn't cool anymore...isn't it?

It ebbs and flows. Action and reaction. We see alot of X's on hands on tour though so it seems like we're far from the only ones not giving a shit about what's cool then.

what do you wanna add to this interview?

Be nice.

you can get in touch with the band visiting:
or writing to:

mercoledì 11 gennaio 2012


Link is a band coming from Belgium; They started playing in 1998 but focused my attention only in a couple of years when they have released "Chapter I", a really great records.
With the release of "Chapter II" (their new LP) I've immediately made this interview. Let's talk with Michael and Lampe.

AS I read in your bio "Link started in 1998"; I think this is a really good thing for a band to play for a lot of years trying to  bring always the same passion. What has been changed into the band during these 13 years?

Michael : A lot of things changed, first of all we had different line up’s during the years. We even got no drummer for a while and we started playing with a drummachine. Over these 13 years I’ve seen many people come and go, some left their mark and others did not. It was not  always easy to lose bandmembers but everybody got to do what is best for them in their lives. At some point you really don’t want to be part of something and then you have to move on. I have been in the band since the beginning and since our vocalist left the band last year I am the only original member.

what do you think it's changed from 1998 to 2011 inside the punk-hc european scene?

Michael : I have been around in the ‘scene’ since ’91, I have seen many people come and go, seen many great bands and bad one’s too J. The difference with the scene now and the scene back then is that it is becoming a fashion thing and people don’t seem to care that much anymore.
Lampe : I spent most of my time in the hardcore scene since ’96 and grew up with that music. Back then bands still had had something to say on stage (about animal liberation, politics,…). Right now it’s, like Michael said, all about fashion and being the coolest guy around the block. There are no values anymore so that’s why I lost my attention in that scene. I think there are still more values and ethics in the crust-scene.

what does diy ethic mean to you?

Michael : A lot of things! Everything starts with the diy mentality, from making a fanzine to playing in a band. With LINK we try to do everything ourselves from recording our music to printing our shirts, organizing our tours and gigs….from building or rebuilding our home’s to growing our own vegetables. Without the diy mentality there would be no scene at all.

what's your position about veganism, animal liberation?

Michael : I am a vegetarian for more than 18 years. Animals are not to consume nor to breed to feed! Everybody should look around them and see the beauty of the animal kingdom! Animals are not here to be eaten by us.
Lampe : I’ve been a vegetarian for 14 years now. For me it’s just a logical thing. If you know that by being a vegetarian, you can reduce the risk of heart attacks by 50%, that’s enough for me to skip eating meat.

what are the most subjects of your lyrics?

Michael : They speak about everyday life and situations we come across, we try to put our feelings and emotions in our lyrics. Some songs are a direct answer to what we see in our society others speak of the struggles we all have to deal within our life.

how is the political situation in Belgium?

Lampe: Actually it’s funny and pathetic at the same time. Over a year ago we had elections who had a right-wing party as the winner. But Belgium has 3 regions (Flanders, Brussels and the French speaking part) it also has 3 different parliaments, next to the national parliament. So negotiations to form a government started between 9 different political parties. As there were huge differences in demands between the Flemish parties and the French parties, the negotiations got stuck. After many different persons who were assigned to rule the negotiations, things are still the same. No government…

What are the most important differences between chapter 1 and chapter II?

Michael : First of all these are the first recordings without our female vocalist so that is a big difference. Apart from that, the songs are more direct and there is a bigger mix of slow stuff and some crusty riffs, with down-tuned guitars who will make your ears bleed.

One of the songs of you last album is called Martyr; for you, who are the real martyrs of the modern society?

Lampe : The lyrics of Martyr deal about persons who give their life for certain goals or beliefs, but in the end it was worth nothing. They all believe it is for the good cause, but they are blind to the things they do wrong. After doing all the effort, they are just fucked in the end. For example all those radical religious extrimists. Do they really think by blowing theirself up and killing a lot of people, they will earn their 40 virgins? Hell no. No gods, no master.
Sure, people need goals in their life, but it may never do harm to other people of animals. So everyone is a martyr in their own world, but just make sure it’s worth the effort.

One of the biggest discussion in Italy is about CIE (identification and expulsion centers) made by the governments for embarking the "problem" (this is their Idea) of mass immigration. In few words people inside these places are waiting for verifications about their identities and a possible expulsion; here politicians say that they are a kind of guests, while in reality they are prisoners. What do you think, and what is your position about it? Does it exist a same thing in Belgium?

Lampe : We heard about the problems on Lampedusa (?) with all the immigrants arriving on the island. Actually, we have this kind of problem in Belgium too. Belgium is the center of Europe and has tons of nationalities living here. Too many people think Belgium is a financial and social paradise to live in and in certain ways it is (health system, work,…). A lot of immigrants are coming over but eventually end up in an immigration center where they have to wait to be sent back to their home country. Some of them are in a ‘closed’ immigration center (call it a prison), others got away and live their life without any papers or jobs and eventually end up in criminality. Immigration is a very difficult subject and honestly, I have no clear answer to that.

what are the future plans of the band?

Michael: A few festivals are booked for the end of this year. Also a small tour to Ireland in November, next year we are planning a tour to Scandinavia. Apart from that working on a new album and maybe playing Italy? ;-)
Lampe :  Yeah, we got the final masters of Chapter II in and everything is at the pressing plant right now. We finally hope to release this album and play tons of gigs to support this album.

do you wanna add any other thing?
Michael : First of all thanks a lot for the interview! And for everyone who are involved in the diy punk hc scene don’t give up, we are not alone!
Lampe : Yes, thanks for the interview and good luck with your zine. Check us out and buy our album!

To get in touch with the band visit:
or write to: